
Let's stay out all night, go everywhere we don't, live while we're alive and take the world for more...

Tonight I went out sharing with some of my friends from bible study.  The people at DTC, or at least the people I run with, say "sharing" when they mean "witnessing" or "sharing the gospel."  So, in other words, we went to the mall and paired off and then went up to strangers and told them about Jesus.  It was fantastic.  I haven't done that in forever, and I'll be honest with you, I didn't want to go.  But I did anyway, and I am so glad I did.  Matt Moklestad and I went together, and Dave and Chrissy, and then Tyler and Patrick.  Patrick isn't in my bible study, he just tagged along.  Anyway, it was really good.  Pray for Scott...he grew up going to church as a kid but hasn't gone in several years, and he was really interested in having a relationship with the Lord.  He was at the mall with two friends, and all three of them were amazed that Matt and I, plus the other 4 who were out in the mall, were spending our Friday night sharing the gospel at the mall.  They ended up just following us around watching and listening while we talked to people.  We talked to these three guys a lot about just living your life for the Lord and how it's totally worth it, and they seemed to really respond and be interested in what we had to say about all of it.  Matt said it was the best response he's ever gotten when he went out witnessing.  It was a really encouraging time.

Soon I'm going to blog about all my new friends and how much I love them.  You should eagerly await that blog post, because they are all rockin' awesome.


1 comment:

  1. So cool story about mall witnessing... I was talking to my Bible Study leader with 24:7 about two weeks ago and long story short he had just found out that someone he and his high school friend had talked to at the mall while going share 2 years ago had started going to church and become a Christian. And he had no idea for 2 years, his friend still back home had randomly met the guy and found out. It's cool how God uses us even when we have no idea if we are making any impact.
