
Make money money, make money money money...

I don't usually use lines from songs that are about money, but this John Reuben song isn't really in the normal spirit of money songs, and I really do enjoy John Reuben, particularly his older music, and this blog is about me wanting to spend money, and thus my need to make money, and also to save money, all things that are incorporated into John's song, Make Money Money.

This blog is a breakdown of some things I'd like to buy.  Not all of them, because that would take a disturbingly long time.  But, you know, I was on ModCloth yesterday, and found lots of stuff that I lovelovelove, and there are a few other things I have my sights set on.  Most of them I don't plan on buying, for the record.  I just like to look at them and speculate that someday they might be mine.

All A-Twitter Laptop Bag (ModCloth, $54.99)
Do I already have a laptop bag?  Yes.  Is this one cuter?  Yes.  Not something I plan on purchasing, but it's pretty adorable.

Old and New Pocket Watch Necklace (ModCloth, $27.99)
LOVE.  This is beautiful.  I definitely have a thing for pocket watches, especially in necklace form, and I think this one is the prettiest I've seen.  I would really love for someone to buy this for me as a present, but as far as buying it for myself, I'm not sure it'll ever happen.

Dining in Prague Plate Set (ModCloth, $34.99)
I really might buy these.  I already have these adorable Russian nesting doll measuring cups and a set of Russian doll salt and pepper shakers.  These would make my future kitchen PERFECT.  They are just freaking cute.  If I ever find $35 lying around, they're mine.

Other People's Love Letters, Compiled by Bill Shapiro (ModCloth, $22.99)
It's pretty obvious that this book is entirely comprised of love letters written by other people to other people.  I find it adorable and hilarious.  I can't see myself buying this, but I'd like to own it.  It's a good book to sit out on your coffee table for when you have people over.

Library Corner Cardigan (ModCloth, $52.99)
Just a cute cardigan.  I would love to be a cardigan person, and yet I have no cardigans.  Why is this?  Whatever the reason, this one is adorable but way too expensive.  Pretty to look at, not to buy.  I would totally wear it though.

Random Dawdle Paper Mouse Pad (ModCloth, $11.99)
A mouse pad with random things to write.  I actually would probably buy this if I were to see it somewhere in person where I didn't have to pay shipping and all that, but the truth is that I don't even use a real mouse most of the time, and I really don't need it.  But it's pretty funny and cute.

Refurbished iPod Touch, 16GB (Apple, $199.00)
I do plan on buying this in the very near future.  I sold my Nano to Emily, and now I'm ready for something bigger and flashier.  My only concern is that 16gigs isn't enough, and that I should wait and spend the extra $50 for a 32gig.  Thoughts?

So there are a few things.  The only trouble with the few things in that list that I actually would like to purchase is that I have not a lot of cash on hand right now, because I just bought a car and a prom dress and paid six months worth of car insurance.  So, even though I'm not really broke, I'm feeling the pressure to stop spending so much, which is not at all a bad thing.  The iPod will happen just as soon as I decide if 16gb is good enough, and those plates may hopefully happen someday, but all in all I really am happy with all the cool stuff I already have.  I have some neato stuff.  But of course, stuff never really ends, and there are always more things to want and more things to be had.  I try to take money seriously while still remembering that, really, it's just money, and sometimes there is more and sometimes there is less and sometimes you can spend it and sometimes you can't, but I do like to buy stuff just for fun sometimes.  Not just for me, but for other people, too.  Life should be fun, and stuff can be fun, when you're not just buying stuff because you think you need it or because you can't help yourself.  I think I can help myself.  I hope so at least.

In other news, I just did a guest post for Art's blog, Kind of a Big Deal.  Art is a great guy, and his blog is one of my favorites.  If you know me in real life, you may have met him a year ago at my graduation party, but if not, you'll have to say hello the next time he comes around.  In the meantime, go visit his blog and leave lots of fun comments.  It will make you smile.

The Butterfly Child


  1. Go for the 32 gig Ipod touch. I bought the 16 and you just can't put as much stuff on it. It's your money though so its your choice. Just a little Jess advice. :)

  2. It's just me. Your mother.

    I am making up this "survey" on the fly. Basically, it's just stuff I want you to know. And why not be a slight bit creative about it? *shrug*

    Eight Things I Love About You:
    8. The fact that I removed no less than a dozen journals/notebooks from your book shelf to be added to the stacks of others.

    7. That the only pictures on your bedroom wall are of Carter and Owen.

    6. The myriad of nailpolish colors you own.

    5. The way you talk to inanimate objects.

    4. Your taste in music.

    3. All of the craft projects given to you by little people.

    2. The fact that you are already so deliberate about learning the more difficult things about being a woman - submission, letting go of control, patience, respect, etc.

    1. The glimpse I get into the kind of mother you're going to be one day as you tell stories about your Nanny Kids.

    Seven Random Words That Remind Me Of You:
    7. Whatever
    6. Pwn
    5. Firefly
    4. Awwww...
    3. Punkface
    2. Flibbin'
    1. Incredible

    Six Things Of Yours That Are Within My Eyesight:
    6. Nivea Hand Creme
    5. Cut-up t-shirts
    4. Some awesome silver shoes
    3. A pile of ribbons
    2. Laptop cord
    1. A hand mixer

    Five Things I Hope You Get To Do One Day:
    5. Disney World/Epcot
    4. Record a CD of your own songs in an actual recording studio
    3. Enjoy a cup of tea with Stephen Christian
    2. See Lifehouse and The Fray in concert
    1. Learn the piano and the cello

    Four Things I Hope You Never Experience:
    4. A tornado
    3. The Tribulation *laugh*
    2. Gordon Ramsey (He's mean!)
    1. A tarantula on your head

    Three Foods That Remind Me Of You:
    3. Tea (Beverages count as a food.)
    2. Desserts with apples
    1. Sticky Chicken

    Two Prayers For You:
    2. For the certainty of Christ's forgiveness and your present and undeniable purity in Him to completely wash over you and heal every thought you have about yourself.

    1. That God would give you beautiful songs to sing.

    One Last Word:
    1. *love*
