**EDIT** This is a WAY better song line for us. *laugh*
**EDIT AGAIN** This picture is a good example of how Sierra will steal whoever's camera is lying around and take pictures of herself with it. It's true.
This blog is to Sierra. Sierra and I have been friends for 4 or 5 years now, I think. Ever since that dumb play about the trees. She was one of the first people to come up and say hello to me when I moved here. We have always gotten along really well.
**EDIT AGAIN** This picture is a good example of how Sierra will steal whoever's camera is lying around and take pictures of herself with it. It's true.
This blog is to Sierra. Sierra and I have been friends for 4 or 5 years now, I think. Ever since that dumb play about the trees. She was one of the first people to come up and say hello to me when I moved here. We have always gotten along really well.
One time, Sierra got some new horses. I tried to get her to name them TobyMac and Starbucks. She didn't, but at the time, we thought those were sweet horse names. I like riding Sierra's horses. That is usually what we do when we are at her house. When we are at my house we usually watch movies and eat junk food, or pull my mattress onto the floor and talk into the wee hours of the night. We can be sort of ADD when we are together, because most of the time one of us can't sit still. We need pretty constant entertainment. I don't usually get bored, but for some reason Sierra and I always end up trying to think of things to occupy ourselves because otherwise we are pretty sure we will go insane. It's pretty hilarious actually.
**EDIT** This picture is a good example of how Sierra will steal whoever's camera is lying around and take pictures of herself with it. It's true.
**EDIT** This picture is a good example of how Sierra will steal whoever's camera is lying around and take pictures of herself with it. It's true.
Sometimes we trade clothes, too. I have a bandana of Sierra's that she still insists isn't hers. It has been in my closet for like, two years now, and she is convinced it isn't hers. Once, Sierra took my leggings to Taiwan for six weeks. I didn't even know they were gone until she gave them back. There was one time, too, where we went to a concert and she didn't know what to wear, so she went through my closet until she found something. We like to share things.
Sierra is an incredibly fun person to be around. Easily amused, yes. Quick to boredom, yes. But that just makes the things she comes up with even more hilarious and awesome. You should seriously hang out with her sometime.
When do we get to read the blog dedicated to Andrew?? *wink wink*
ReplyDeleteThat song is. . . let's just say Anberlin is better :D Sierra is awsomeness! And I ditto wut manda said. . .
ReplyDeleteAndrew is lastbutcertainlynotleast. That's how it goes.
ReplyDeleteDear Sierra,
ReplyDeleteI like you. Nice blog dedication.
Mrs. D
Dear Manda,
Your Big Sister
Dear Brian,
It doesn't help that Gabe said this was a great song because people don't take cheating seriously enough. Plus, Sierra loves country music.
Mrs. D
Dear Daughter,
I am praying that your body repairs itself while you sleep. [/hot tea]
Here's the deal on the song line. Me and Sierra (yes, ME and Sierra) always crank the volume and sing at the top of our lungs when this song comes on. Because it's hilarious. The end.
ReplyDeleteGrrr, you had to use this song, didn't you. You had too. I hate this song. With avengence. Certainly not condoning cheating though. I don't hate Sierra though, not in the slightest. Sierra's cool.
ReplyDeleteThis might just call for Andrew's taste in music to be ranked higher than Mara's. . .hmm [/deliberating]
ReplyDeleteNeed I remind you that Andrew listens to Apologetix and LIKES it?
ReplyDeleteHey watch it. ApologitiX are awesome. Just because (as Brian states) my tastes in music are better than yours. *grin*
ReplyDeleteAfter much deliberation and thought, I have decided. Due to my combination of the best parts of both of your music tastes I obviously have the best taste in music :P
ReplyDeleteBetcha didn't see that one coming, huh?
You are at FF5 and just sent the first of what will possibly be a long string of play-by-play text messages. You are so funny. *laugh*
ReplyDeleteGoodness gracious, you are so lovable.
Good morning, my little late night homeworker!
ReplyDeleteYou asked about your star and then we got sidetracked talking about other things in that game. Oh my. *laugh* I'll tell you about it now because I know I will forget again.
1. It is the Beta star of your favorite constellation Cygnus, although it is technically the fifth brightest.
2. Although there is some confusion about the original meaning of its name, Latin tradition translates it as "fragrant flower".
3. It is a binary star that is much loved by astronomers because of its dazzling beauty and color. *giggle* The two stars that make up Albireo (actually three - a single and one binary) become distinct even with just high-powered binoculars, making it a favorite of back-yard astronomers.
4. The stars that make up Albireo are also two different colors. One is on the yellow/orange end of the spectrum, the other on the purple/blue. One website said that astronomers "wax romantic" and refer to them as Topaz and Sapphire.
5. Albireo forms the foot of The Northern Cross, which is where I pray you'll stay in your relationship with Jesus. Whether it's at His feet, soaking Him in and learning from Him despite the distractions of this world or at the foot of His cross where you will always know His complete and ongoing forgiveness and deeply experience His sacrificial, unfailing and tender love for you.
*clap* See? It's an awesome star!
ReplyDeleteWe have a winter headband of Seirra's that we've tried to return for...oh....probably 3 years running and she continues to insist it isn't hers. I'm seeing a pattern here.
Summer Lee
PS John Denver rocks!!