Sorry for the Taylor Swift. It was stuck in my head.
I am sleepy from my drugs.
Had my last two wisdom teeth out today. It was not as terrible as I expected, which was nice. I have been hungry sort of all day though, and I'm not sure if that is just because I haven't really eaten very much at once or the drugs or what. Anyway, no throwing up this time, which was good. I have been popping my pain killers regularly (well, twice now) but it hasn't really hurt much so far. I am just ready for my face to not be numb anymore. It's not a very big spot that is numb still, but it is annoying, and I feel like I keep chewing on my lip accidentally.
Andrew came over today to keep me company. We watched the first 2 X-Men movies. I love those. He also brought me a surprise. While Rick and Rich and Brandon were in New Orleans, Andrew had them look to see if they could get another mask like the one I had for prom, and they did! I was so excited. I was sort of groggy, so I hope Andrew didn't think I wasn't really happy. That was so sweet of him, and I am so excited to finally (sort of) have my mask back.
Tomorrow is Manda and Chad's garage sale. If I am not still on drugs I want to go to it, but obviously if I'm still popping Darvocet I will not be driving anywhere. So, hopefully that will work out. I hope they sell lots of stuff.
I had some delicious food today. I ate lots of applesauce and Jell-O and pudding. I ate some normal food, too, but not a lot because my face was stil numb enough that chewing took lots of concentration.
I am getting closer to picking a laptop. I am excited about that.
Oh yes! My graduation party was lovely. I think everyone had lots of fun. I was pretty tuckered out from talking to all those people, but it was still good. I am not much of a small talk person. Talking about worthless things is a lot of work for me. But all in all, everything went really well. And the food was delicious. And the decorations were cute. And I had a good time.
Well, now I am going to play some Klondike with my iPod and then go to sleep. Love you all!
Mara Tenille