
Ain't it pretty the way it all streaks together at night...

Today was a busy day.  First, we went to church.  Mr. Simpson preached, and was awesome.  That was exciting.  He did a really good job.  After church we went home and then went to the potluck at Mary's house to see Lori while she is home from the far away country she lives in.  That was nice.  We ate good food and played charades.  Then we went to youth group, and got there late, but that was good too.  When we got home me and Mom and Sophie laid out on a blanket to look at stars.  We saw lots of shooting ones, and I decided I need to learn more constellations, because I'm sure there are lots of things I'm seeing up there that have names, and I just don't know them yet.

Tomorrow I think I'm going out with some girls to dinner and a movie.  We wanted to go to Panchero's because Daniel works there now, so that's the plan so far.  Hopefully it all works out, because that would be lots of fun.

This coming weekend I'm going to Okoboji with Em and Andy.  That makes me pretty excited.  When we went there for LifeLight it was super fun, and Em says there's lots to do for 4th of July.  So I'm pumped about that, too.  Hopefully that will also work out.  If it does, I will be gone Friday the 4th through Sunday the 6th.

Mexico is getting closer.  It's sort of driving me insane a little bit, actually.  Like, I want it to either just get here and get here now, or just never come so I can stop anticipating it.  I'm excited, but nervous, and it's all just a strange combination of emotions.  I'm not entirely sure what I think about it, but I know it's all going to be alright, so I can't say I'm worried.  I have all the skirts I need, and I need to make sure I'll have enough shirts, and other than that there isn't tons of stuff to do.  I need to make a poster for a memory verse, and that's all I remember at the moment.  There's a little more than that, I'm just not really focused on it right now.

I think Mom just fell asleep at the laptop.  Hahaha.  That's so cute. *laugh*

Alright.  I need sleep.  Too much sleep deprivation these days.

Mara the Butterfly


Heartstrings, you're tugging at my heartstrings...

Today I got my new shoes. I love them. I'm going to wear them to everything.

Ohmyword, do you want to hear something nasty? Last night Andrew ate a mosquito. How gross is that? Weird kid, eating bugs just to freak me out. Ick. Gross. ;-)

Tomorrow we are going to my grandparents house. Guess why? NO! YOU'RE WRONG! It's to celebrate Christmas. *stare* Yes, Christmas in June. Because my extended family is crazy. Actually, it will be really fun, but it's pretty hilarious. I'm excited. AND, there will be yummy food, because there always is yummy food when my family gets together.

I am listening to music from a person that I'm not going to talk about because Leighanna might eat me.

We are making Christmas cookies. We are officially awesome.



This is no place to try and live my life...

I brought the music back!  It feels so much better in here now.  I was about ready to ditch the cute leaves in favor of the music, but now I get the best of both worlds!  I like the leaves and stuff even though I didn't design it.  It's one of those things where I wish I had designed it, but I didn't.  Whoever did gets brownie points from me.  Sort of like every once in a while I hear a song, and I think 'man, this should have been written by me!' and then I go and write a song that never ends up being as good so that I can at least say I keep trying.
Right now I'm at the Chicken Shed working.  Working as in sitting on the computer playing tetris and blogging.  Pretty boring.  I almost wish I could hang some garlands or something, except not, because I am horrible at decorating with this stuff.  I don't think anyone would look at me and think 'Oh, yeah, she works in a primitive shop for sure'.  I tend to feel pretty out of place in here, but it's still fun.
VBS last night was awesome.  Our skit was almost entirely ad-lib, Corey belayed me from the ceiling which was terrifying and hilarious at the same time, our earthquake didn't start on time ("Maybe an earthquake would be helpful right now..."), and my main-man Carter stole the show with his amazing performance as a cute guy with flowers on one of our videos.  It was great.  Chaotic, but really great nonetheless.  Those videos, by the way, are supposed to be on the website by the beginning of next week.  Keyword being supposed.
Tonight will be a fun VBS because we don't have any lines.  I'm pretty pumped about that.
I'm going to go look for a stapler some more.  Adios!
Mara Tenille the butterfly


Tell the world that Jesus lives...

VBS is going to kill me.  Good thing I love it.  Goodness gracious.  Tonight was pretty insane.  The skits were great.  We ran lines for tomorrow's skit and it didn't go so well, but I think we'll be alright.  I'll just cram all day tomorrow and then hopefully it'll be all memorized and stuff.  It will be hilarious.  Hopefully they will all be on the church website before the end of the week, so if you want you can watch them.  In the meantime, this game is incredibly addicting.  Have fun.

My shoulder feels like snake skin.  Gross.



Oh, let the world crash, love can take it...

This song inspires me.

I am trying to figure out what size I would need in this shoe.  I'm definitely going for Peacock as far as color, and it's looking like I'll need a 7 based on what I've read about sizing.  They are to take to Mexico with me so I am closed-toed but still cozy.  Plus they're super cute, as opposed to the normal, uber ugly Crocs that I will get if this falls through.  I really don't mind a pair of normal Crocs, but these are more fun.

This place needs to be redecorated.  I'm getting bored with this color scheme.  I'm going to get on that right now.

My hair rocked today.  Then I swam it all out.  I will take pictures of it awesomely someday.

VBS skits are going to rock your faces off.  The videos are so amazing.  You can see them on www.gracehuxley.com once they're finished, I think.



If you'd just realize what I just realized...

Hola! Como estas?

Today I went to the pool, where I got sunburned. That was fun. Someone pooped in the pool which is NASTY and they kicked us all out and then after that I was pretty grossed out so I was done. Then we went to a baseball game (two actually, JV and Varsity) which was good times. JV lost, but Andrew made the first run, even though he didn't hit the ball for it. And he stole third at one point. Stealing bases makes me excited. Varsity won and we all cheered and me and Sierra
and Jessica and Erick shared a quart carton of chocolate milk. Here's a photo.

I have bubble gum stuck to my lips because I blew a bubble and it exploded on me.

Tomorrow = consultation with my oral surgeon about my wisdom teeth and more swimming and filming for VBS.

That's about it.



Boys speak in rhythm and girls in code...

Good song.

Today I went scrapbooking with Marisa. It was pretty awesome. I did one page, another TFP one (this one is of our first show, the battle of the bands at Blinks. The other set is of Ames Christian's anti-prom thing.) and started a page for homecoming with Andy. The BOTB one is pretty awesome. It has a cool cream and red patterned paper (it's sort of hard to describe the pattern in words, so I'll have to try and take a picture of it or something) with blueish mats. I would scan it but it's 12x12, which is bigger than my scanner. The homecoming one is going to be adorable once I finish it. I'd like to try and put it together tonight, but we'll see if that actually happens or not. It's on a black and white flower paper and I made some cute little blue and red daisy things to embellish it with. Pretty cute. I also got a bunch of mats that come in a set (it's called a Mat Stack...hehe!) which are pretty awesome, too. So it was good stuff.

My family went to the pool without me. Losers. Just kidding.

It's funny when you see a person a lot, and then you all of a sudden see them a lot less, and then you have to transition into other ways of communication regularly. Like, emailing people you normally see every day. It's just sort of strange feeling, just because it's so different. It's not necessarily bad, just odd.

I am so pumped to get my baseball shirt. That's probably sort of pathetic. Hahaha.

Oh. Hey. Guess what? My hair... is all gone. Chopped off. I had Liz cut it short. Muahahahahaha. Sorry if you hate me. Ben (my little 8-year-old guitar pupil) hates it, but so far everyone else doesn't seem to mind too much. Here are a couple photos so you can understand the drastic change. I like it, but it won't stay like this forever. It's mostly just for a fun, spontaneous change. Not permanent. But I like it.

Mara Tenille
The Butterfly Child